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Kształć się online z Harmanem

Harman University zaprasza na online'owe szkolenia z zagranicznymi prelegentami. To idealny moment na zdobycie wiedzy od profesjonalistów z różnych zakątków świata. Pierwsze szkolenie na temat mikrofonów odbędzie się już w środę 1 kwietnia.

Następne, bardzo ciekawe prowadzone przez weterana branży eventowej, Cameron'a O'Neill, na temat wyzwań jakie stawiają imprezy eSport'owe inżynierom systemów audio. 9 kwietnia, godzina 18.00. Trzecie szkolenie, 23 kwietnia dotyczyć będzie Performance Manager'a dla początkujących i zaawansowanych.

Microphone Applications for Stage and Sound

środa, 1 kwietnia, godzina 18:00
czas szkolenia: 1 godzina
zapisy TUTAJ

Prowadzący: Chris Pyron

Chris Pyron's faith and passion for educating others led him to spend 10 years becoming an expert in systems design and implementation in worship spaces. He works with clients to design systems that creatively meet all their needs - audio, lighting, media, training, and budget. Getting great sound starts at the source. In this course, we'll look at the different types of microphones, their applications, and how to choose the right mic and place them for the best results to capture a dynamic performance.

Audio Challenges in E-sports

czwartek, 9 kwietnia,  godzina 02.00
czas szkolenia: 1 godzina
zapisy TUTAJ

Prowadzący: Cameron O'Neill

This workshop will demystify the various types of eSports played at a professional level and examine how these events are staged. Join Cameron as he unravels common A/V challenges and shows how they could define the future of eSports. Cameron O'Neill is a 20-year veteran of the event industry, having worked at the Sydney Opera House and for Riedel throughout Asia. Recently, he has helped many eSports companies in China build their A/V systems, including major events, installed facilities, and a major company's network studio system.

Performance Manager Beginner to Expert

czwartek, 23 kwietnia, godzina 18:00
czas szkolenia: 1 godzina
zapisy TUTAJ

Prowadzący: Nowell Helms

Join Nowell Helms as he dives into JBL Performance Manager and shows you how to deliver stellar sound to any audience. You'll learn how to get started quickly, control amp networks and more right from the performance site. Nowell Helms is a veteran audio engineer with over 20 years of experience. He began his career hanging JBL arrays in San Francisco, providing premium sound to the live music scene. Since then, he's used a range of HARMAN innovations to design, implement and mix nearly every type of live event imaginable.

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Produkty miesiąca
Earthworks SR117 - mikrofon pojemnościowy wokalny
Sennheiser HD 490 PRO Plus - słuchawki studyjne
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